-Nerds who used to get thier underwear hung from the flag pole who grow up to mistakenly join the marine corps to further embarass themselves by having sex with transexuals with their radio wave induced shrunken testicles.
-A jew with a radar.
Person 1: Damn dude, I think I pulled a com nav.
Person 2: Yeah, that chick was definately a man.
by Peacock Seal Mclovin April 2, 2008
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A better word used to describe a sat nav or GPS system that has sent you in the wrong direction repeatedly or that is generally useless!
This shitty twat nav has made me take the wrong exit again!

by Helen81 July 13, 2007
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To tell a friend you are going to do something and at the last moment change your mind.
Friend: "Yeah I'll be there"

Day of event.

Friend: "Sorry I can't come"
Me: "Mate, did you just pull a nav"
by N dizzle fo' shizzle July 27, 2011
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annoying page that comes up when i've typed in the wrong address... grrrr
by fightera June 23, 2004
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A female that can read a map, navigate etc.
"I don't need a Tom-Tom, my twat-nav gets me everywhere.
by Eddie Van Basten September 3, 2007
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something you get in a dodgem that makes a dodgem even better than a ferrai, even though your dad might have one.
leah " my dad's got a ferrai!"

gary " yeah well, i've got a dodgem with sat nav, YOU FUCKED UP PINEAPPLE SPEWWER"

leah " EWWW, you spew up pineapple aswell, remember when we had pizza then got out of our face! lol"

gary "yeah, but still i have a dodgem with sat nav so HAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
by OhMiGod August 19, 2006
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The undisputed goat. Invented music and has done more for India then Gandhi.
I nutted while listening to the new NAV album.

by CG04 March 26, 2022
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