Most Valuable Pendejo. Usually a member of a team who comited a vital mistake and cost the game.
Yesterday at the soccer game, Pedro was named MVP when he touch the ball with his hands in the penalty area.
by Zaid Moreno August 2, 2006
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Massive Vanilla Penis. Used to describe a white man with large male genitalia.
Wow, Brody has such an MVP!!!
by snasnasnasnajjjjjj October 3, 2017
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Mountain view player. dumbasses from mountain view high who think there better than homestead and austin
did you see thoughs mvp fags what losers
by joe January 16, 2004
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Most Valuable Pendejo. Usually a member of a team who comited a vital mistake and cost the game.
Yesterday at the soccer game, Pedro was named MVP when he touch the ball with his hands in the penalty area.
by Zaid Moreno August 1, 2006
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1. having an affinity of sexual attraction to ones close family relatives

2. desiring sex with girls under the age of 10
Keep your little sisters away from Mike because he has the mvp.
by Anonymous June 11, 2003
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Mike, Vinny and Pauly from Jersey Shore
Tonight it's MVP Night
by kiki405 March 16, 2011
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After Kevin Durant's acceptance speech for NBA 2013/14 MVP, in which he called his mother the "real mvp", the term has become commonly used when giving someone appreciation or thanks.
by thesvs October 7, 2014
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