slang term developed by bored teens to mean get close with someone or to describe clothing as tight.
Last night me and Tom got snuggy on the couch.
Damn that dude's shirt is snuggy!
by Michelle July 14, 2004
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Noun: A Utopian blanket, which resembles a backwards robe in appearance.

Snuggies are made for the comfort of almost every living organism on the planet, uniting all on earth in warm,cozy cocoons. Snuggies are often associated with the occult or Communism.
Not to be confused with Snookie from Jersey Shore.
Greg: Hey man that Snuggie you're wearing looks pretty comfy, where can I get one?

Tom: You must ask the magical faeries to spin you one from magic thread.

Greg:Um, what faeries?

Tom:Wait, don't you see the little people flying around? They're everywhere.

Greg: Um, okay...
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A male marm. Name derived from frontal baby pouch called a snuggy worn by men.
Man, check out the teddy bear stickers that guy has on his mini van - he is such a fucking snuggy!
by rand December 4, 2004
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A form of a wedgie where the underwear is pulled as high as physically possible
His ass crack is bleeding from the snuggie the bully gave him
by suburban man September 2, 2010
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Nothing better on a cold Winter night than a snuggie from the guy behind the 7-11
by Superhomo333 November 4, 2011
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(v.) To get warm or comfortable by means of a Snuggie.
I'm gonna go get my snuggie on.
by xmaaron October 16, 2010
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to give a man a wedgie using his own scrotum; reach between legs from behind and pull back and up.
Thinking that a towel snap in the locker room was the ultimate insult, the bully cried for momma when I gave him a ballbag snuggy
by LtMonkeyboy February 14, 2008
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