To be buzzed off energy drinks, usually off the Canadian version of the energy drink Monster: Stoked. Can range from tipsy to wasted in that area.
Yo, I was so Stoked last night...
by DizzeeKill May 29, 2008
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Still reeling from the buzz esp. in surfing or another extreme sport after an awesome session.
"Man, those sets were perfect - I'm well stoked"
by Tim December 2, 2003
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Another name/word for Hooker. Often used by today's younger generation when suggesting someone is a 'Hooker'.
Hey look over there, that person is doing a 'Stokes'.
by georginarose September 13, 2010
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The activity of moving around the logs in the fireplace so that the fire continues to burn.
I stoked the fire because it was about to go out.
by Anonymous October 21, 2001
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One of the absolute gayest and most annoying words to trek its way into everyday English language.

This word is most frequently used by Caucasian GodCore christian teens and/or church leaders who try to fit in with normal people in their age group who are much "cooler" than they are.

Users of this word often have atleast TWO of the following traits:
1. They tote tighty whiteys.
2. They tote modern version Bibles.
3. They attend church more than 3 times in a week.
4. They have a higher-than-usual pitched voice.
5. They hate it when you cuss around them.
Tommy: "Hi guys. Are you as stoked as I am for the wood carving contest?"
All: "Aye Aye Captain, were so totally stoked!

If I hear one more person say stoked, i swear I'll blow their fucking brains out!

I hate the God Squad because they are always bragging about how "stoked" they are.
by Nick A. December 30, 2005
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to be so unbelievably excited about something that you start feverishly beating your gentiles to roughly the wound-up pace of the heartbeat of a very, very tiny mammal
Austin was so stoked to see the new Taylor Swift calendar that the occasion called for a trough of Vaseline, and later copious amounts of Neosporin and gauze.
by ak_alpenglow January 16, 2011
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being pumped up while doing somthing.
Im so stoked, i just pulled a sweet trick.
by wedge April 13, 2003
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