A counter-strike similar game by Axlebolt made for mobile that replaced critical ops. The majority of the player base of this game is from Russia. Updates are delayed for ios most of the time but the overall game is fun and competitive.
RIP C-ops. Imma go play standoff 2.

ios user: When will standoff 2 update come?
by Zovio July 8, 2020
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A situation in which multiple (3+) gun weilding people are all pointing their shit at each other. They hold out to shoot until someone fucks it up and everybody dies.
The snitch in Reservoir Dogs must have been like "man im fuckin up theres a mother fuckin mexican standoff going down in this mother fucker. fuck.'
by speede September 22, 2006
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When you take six paces from a girl, spin 180 degrees, and masterbate furiously at her face.
I gave Kim a furious mexican standoff last night.
by Jerktart July 31, 2011
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When someone on a bike stops for a car because the car has the right of way, and then the car unnecessarily stops for the bike because the driver is being overly polite and cautious.
Hipster #1: "Dude, I had three Portland Standoffs on my ride back from Hawthorne!"

Hipster #2: "Man, that's so awkward."
by sketchmeister December 3, 2012
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A French Standoff is when you are in a conflict, and everyone gives up.
"Yeah man, they got into a fight and it ended up in a french standoff, they all got hauled off to jail."
by Agrijag December 6, 2011
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When you are too nice to someone, and the other person is also too nice, so nothing gets done, because you are both being way too polite
I was in a Canadian standoff with Fred because I held the door for him, but he insisted I go in first, but I insisted he go ahead of me, so we stood their for 10 seconds waiting to see who would go in first...
by Henry Long Richard October 1, 2017
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