A penis sitting in, or placed next to, fecal matter.
"Crikey Gerald, you got yourself a mighty fine poonis there!"
by Darrel Summers October 11, 2007
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a mix between two items, a dick or penis and a poo. together they make a poo-nis, get it? good. it has many disriptions: a piece of poo shaped like a penis, when you have runny poo, when you poo on your boner, a word to replace stuff and a burn.
u: look in the toilet
guy: holy crap! thats a large penis shaped poo!
u: its a poonis!

u: uhg!!!!!!
toilet: (splatter splatter)
u: ew a poonis its all runny

u: what a hot babe
your penis: (sproing)
u: oh shit I pooed on my boner, a poonis has occured

zac: oh no i dropped my jewish hat, can you pick it up?
u: what your jewish poonis?

matt: you suck
U: go die in a hole with poonis' in it
by The Random guy April 8, 2006
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the genitalia of a hermaphrodite (part poon and part penis)
by David September 28, 2003
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Used to describe a penis that has been pooped on or dipped in poop.
David pooped on maguires Penis while they were having sex and maguire had a poonis
by Chunky poop lover November 5, 2019
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The act of dipping your penis into a steaming pile of poop.
Jessica: “The sex wasn’t going anywhere until he whipped out his poonis.”
by CpSkeletor May 25, 2020
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Sara: ugh Kyle is such a poonis

Chad: i know right, just man up pussy
by Connardinkley May 13, 2020
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