A term to describe someone or something that is extremely unfashionable.
''Mate, that shirt is a pasty''
''Have you seen TG today? He's looking like a proper pasty''
by ULC May 13, 2008
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A friggen retard. One who is most likely dumb, and scrawny.
Pasty. He is scrawny, and friggen retarded.
by Mat April 1, 2003
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Drugs. A way of being able to admit to a friend that you are on drugs, without it being so obvious that every bobby this side of Tibet arrests you in three minutes. A pasty is someone on drugs, and so therefore a Cornish Pasty is a drugged up person from the Cornwall area of Great Britain.
'Dude, I'm so totally hammered with pasties.'
by Stephen W. Thomas February 23, 2005
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A large pastry that a young fellow named Michael Spinks has reportedly banged.
I would not advise trying to visualise this event.
by Random Person May 20, 2004
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A word used to describe a woman of reasonable attraction.
This pasty can be graded using precious metals to express the intensity of the attraction.
Jim: Met some pasty at the weekend!

Chaz: sweet man! how good?

Jim: Golden at the least.

"Mate, i seriously smashed platinum pasty last night!"

"Golden pasty is a right dirty bitch, Fucking love it!"

"I'd fucking ruin that pasty"
by Platinum Pasty January 14, 2009
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An ugly fat chick with low self respect.
There's no way that pasty is comin' with us.
by Turkey_Dinner August 29, 2006
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The more favourable term for the art of sexual intercourse
see also Pasty
I was smashing pasty last nite, ther was crumbs everywhere!!!
by Kevin Marshall September 7, 2006
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