The female representation of a parent in a childs life, synnonyms are:mom,mum, ma,mommy, etc.
Hey mother, may I have something to eat,
by Broben5 December 31, 2018
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A female thing that could be animal, insect, or human. A mother is the one who gives birth to a baby. Usually the one who takes care of the baby, but it matters what they are or if the mother wants the baby. Basicly if insect (commonly) they leave the egg there. Basicly overall, the mother usually the loving person who tends they're childeren and gives them love!
My mother took care of me since birth.
by Kitten Lover August 3, 2009
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really, the only person that will ever love you
by mummysgirl July 4, 2011
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a mother is like a mom but she cares less.

oh what's the difference between a mom and a mother. a mom care about you. a mother has birthed you and made you feel shitty for the rest of your life she will make you want to kill yourself.
hello mother

whatever you stupid idiot
by wazzap046 May 12, 2020
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an annoying little creature set out to embarrass us all
Oh shit my mom is subbing my class!
by kim March 4, 2004
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Someone who is always there for you when life gets you down. A mother is a person who puts her kids needs before her own and doesn’t even think twice. A Mother would take a bullet for her family and even worse just to make sure they are safe and live a happy life.
Landry- who is that woman over there she has a heart of gold!

Landon- She just took a bullet for her kids.

Rose- She is a true Mother.
by Pseudonym12387 May 16, 2018
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