1. When someone gets a super stiff boner from playing Mass Effect 1, 2, or 3 and/or looking at one of the many female characters or their respective sex sences.

2. A person who gets a hard-on from playing any of the Mass Effect games.
man looking at Liara's ass give me such a mass erection
by drity_d June 11, 2012
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where you put the bullets into a person in a quick shot

the six inches wide region below the throat and above the navel where you have the best chance of hitting a human with bullets, usually at a longer range,,, over 100 meters
"aim center mass" bang

I aim for center mass every time
by Alpino November 7, 2009
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In ancient and medieval times was a common practice the castration of vanquished enemies after the battles. A historian of the Seljuk sultans told a tale in which after a great victory over the the last of the Khwarazmians, the turk Seljuk Key Coubad ordered the testicles or scrotums of thirty thousand defeated army soldiers joined together to produce three hundred tents - a task which apparently occupied the greater part of the army for five whole days, but produced what was described as a memorable memento of the battle!
"These mass castrations were done just after the battles, in order to sell the new eunuchs to the merchants of slaves that usually followed the armies".
by Willhelmina Plowes May 6, 2013
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The only explanation for the Right’s perverse devotion to the Mobster in Chief.
In this ongoing mass hallucination, he is seen as someone who can make America great again; how crazy is that?
by Dr Bunnygirl March 28, 2019
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A small town in the Blackstone valley of Massachusetts. No matter where you are in Northbridge it takes five minutes or less to get to the next town.

If you live in Northbridge there's a very good chance that your parents did not go to college but manage to afford the cute little house you live in just fine.

The only low income area is 'The Village.' This is a couple of streets filled with duplexes that often house eight different families at once. They get crowded quickly because everyone living there with working ovaries is pregnant. All the time.

A population Census of Northbridge would show that the town is made up of 25.9% white people and 74% Trees.

Recreational activities in Northbridge include: going to millbury, smoke rides, local shows for the straight edge kids (of which there are many) and ummm that's about it.

There's also a super Walmart in Northbridge,a shit-ton of abandoned mills, and waaayy too many swans
So what went down in the Bridge (Northbridge Mass) tonight?

Well... the party we were at got broken up and we got lost in the woods when we ran from the cops.
Then we called tom and he picked us up on fowler road and we went to hang out at Hess and BK for the rest of the night.
by cheetosinlove April 5, 2009
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What the resident's of Northern Maine call the people from Southern Maine, most of whom migrated from Massachussetts.
One Mainer says to another, " Those MASS-HOLES are everywhere !"
by jpg3 July 9, 2011
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