A person who refuses to pay off their debts. When given the chance this person perfers to take out more loans, buy more things and spend more money, These people that they may actually get out of debt some day so they keep compiling it.
Roger: "I'm going to open my 17th credit card to buy some power tools I don't need. Then I'm going to take a cash advance on the remaining balance and go to the casino. Then when I get paid on Friday I'm going to the used car lot to buy a 6th car even though it's just me and my wife and we both work two blocks from home and really don't need cars at all."

Doug: "Jesus Christ Roger, why don't you cut up all your credit cards and try saving your money for a change.

Roger: "but I need all this stuff, I can't live withou it."

Doug: "You've become a Debt Hoarder you know that?"
by Joey Beef Buicker October 27, 2010
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one who opens their eyes while engaged in a kiss to look or "sneak a peek" at the other; also, this person may be caught peeking around corners/objects, etc...

this individual is also unable to get rid of objects causing them to pile up, thus, becoming a hoarder.
ex: rob is such a peeker/hoarder he is always stealing looks while he kisses and can't get rid of anything!
by Jeneana December 2, 2010
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Someone who uses torrents or other means of downloading to...

1. Download massive discography's of (Tv / Movie / Music) files that they will never have time to enjoy, or have already watched/listened to, and will never again.

2. Has over 1 terabyte of storage for this reason.
My e-hoarder friend is downloading all 16 seasons of the Simpsons, but has watched every one since grade-school.
by Harry Balzach March 5, 2012
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A job hoarder is someone that currently works more than one job at a time. Many job hoarders feel the need to constantly search for and accept new job opportunities despite commitments to current jobs.

Job Hoarders have a unique talent of acquiring several jobs within a short period of time regardless of external problems such as economical struggle or lack of qualifications. The most common type of job hoarder will work a shop/retail job daily whilst pursuing a waiter/bar job on the evenings. in some serious cases job hoarders acquire side jobs such as stealing, drug smuggling or even prostitution, this is to fill the hours which are not taken by scheduled working hours.

Job Hoarders often face much abuse and negative feedback from their peers, especially if one or more of the peer group is currently unemployed and searching for a job.
“Terry got a job at the bar”, that’s the third job he has… what a stinking “Job Hoarder

Barry isn’t home, he is in town “Hoard-ing Jobs”

Just leave me alone you dirty “Job Hoarder”

That’s my second job in a week !, I hope people don’t think I am a Job Hoarder
by cynicalbastard12 May 26, 2011
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An individual who hates sharing their cigarettes, no matter what, even if they have a full pack. Sometimes goes to the lengths to lie about how many they have, or make up lame excuses such as "I have no money, I can't afford to just give away my cigarettes."

Does not apply to people who are down to their last few. Because that's understandable.
Boy 1: Damn, Christina is SUCH a Cigarette Hoarder!

Boy 2: Nah man, she only has two left, give her a break.

Boy 1: Umm she pulled out a full pack in front of me.

Boy 2: BITCH!
by !Olivia! August 10, 2008
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1.) person who enjoys company of many chickens
Man my dad loves his 200 chickens, he's such a chicken hoarder.
by Damndatgurl April 1, 2016
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One who collects gossip for the purpose of having gossip and who doesn't use it for anything else.
Gossip hoarder: A person who overhears gossip but doesnt reveal said gossip they just keep it to themselves.

E.g. A johnny tight lips character

A hush

A person who listens but doesn't tell

A collector of private information
by Rhodes senra February 21, 2012
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