A term used by ninja to describe themselves in public.
We are grass. Always present, but never looked at closely. We are everywhere and nowhere.
by Sukimaa Takeshi August 23, 2007
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the acquisition of a woman's sexual company or "hooking up." A less vulgar form of the phrase "getting pussy." This word stems from the word "ass" and was lengthened a number of years ago to disguise a male's promiscuous intentions at a party or an event with females present. When said in front of female company this word is often confused with marijuana. Little do they know that you are talking about "hooking up."
Charlie did you get any grass last night?
Yea, I got alright grass.
by rodthebod June 21, 2006
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Bluegrass music, especially the various progressive bluegrass forms: youthgrass, jamgrass, slamgrass, thrashgrass, etc.
There were some great grass music at the festival.
by greenheart February 24, 2006
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Green vegetation that most people have access to but never once laid a foot on.
Stand up, walk out of your nasty-ass cave and touch some grass for once.
by m‎inty April 11, 2022
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when one is high and can see through everyone's fake shit. When you are so high you become incredibly insightful and deeply analyze those surrounding you.
i had my grasses on and saw where Sophie's insecurities stem from
by Whatevernameisleft May 13, 2019
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Grass: A thing that only people with a life touch.
Dahoodians, genshin's and people like me, never touch Grass.
by 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓪 October 6, 2022
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Asian word for Glasses, part of the Engrish dictionary
Aw, Where I put my Grasses? I needy see Goku kick Freeza ass!
Dick too small.. need my grasses
by C_Melf April 1, 2004
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