location: grosse pointe, michigan. rich burb outside of detroit where you can find people poppin' collars, literally. lakeshore drive, expensive cars, yacht clubs, golf courses, mansions, art van, edsel ford, the fuckin mafia. place where the movie "grosse pointe blank" was actually suppose to be filmed at. green grass, spoiled kids, soccer moms, more divorced parents than anywhere i can think of. extremely high land value and 1 high school on each end where a kid can actually wear a pink polo shirt with khakis without getting his ass beat.
"look bill, another outsider getting stopped by 10 gp cops"

"looks about right"

"god i love wearing this sweater around my neck"
by Old Money April 13, 2006
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A GP ("Good Party") is one that is characterized by an abundance of alcohol and attractive or interesting characters. There should be an equal number of males and females at said good party. In terms of alcohol, a wide variety of spirits and/or beer creates the impression that one is extremely cool and a connoisseur of liqueurs. PIctures should be taken at a GP with many people and large amounts of Solo Cups. Competitive beer pong, kegs, home bars, and dancing are a few examples of things that can be found at a GP. A GP must also be GFP (good for pics).
"Hey Matthew, the frat house is throwing a party tomorrow night. I hear they're getting a keg. GP!!!!"

"This techno music is bumpin'. What a GP"

"I'm so hungover from the GP last night, I think my liver might fail."
by Cat Baker January 22, 2009
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A GP is a glass pipe used when smoking crystal meth. It is a straight tube with a bulb at the end with a hole on it.
Quit holding the damn lighter so close to the GP, your burnin up the bowl.
by IcE_SmOkeR December 14, 2009
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me: amrita, you shouldn't talk when you're eating, you spray food all over.
amrita: yeah, gp

person 1: let's go to cheesecake factory at the mall.
person 2: why would we do that, there is a taco bell there?
person 1: gp, don't know what i was thinking
by geekarika December 4, 2010
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A term used when suggesting the use of a GPS enabled device to locate a destination.
Mervin: Hm... Larry, didn't Mapquest say to turn right on Main in 3 miles?

Larry: Hmmm, Larry... Uhhh, Yeah. I think its been like 30 miles so far...

Mervin: SHIT! Mapquest stinks.

Larry: Yeah, mapquest stinks like your dirty vagina. I'll GPS it on my phone, douche.
by benihana26 June 15, 2008
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Simply means "gameplan" It can be used in a variety of ways and may also be used to replace "what's up"
"What's the gp tonight?"

by DeezNuts2016forPresident September 8, 2016
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A very dry joke that buzz kills your entire day. A term used to embarrass someone who makes a terrible joke.
Person 1: Terrible Joke
*Silence, Awkwardness*
Person 2: "GP."
by Gurpreet C January 22, 2011
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