adj. Of or relating to the facial characteristics of the Statue of David.
Hey, look at that guy over there with the Nor-Cal shirt on, he's David-esque!
by DooDooButter March 11, 2008
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Making an attempt to appear to know what you are talking about while not having the first clue what you're talking about. In other words, making it up as you go, man. Typically used tongue-in-cheek.
"Not to sound Biden-esque but I'm sure that global warming is a direct result of Russian interference and weather meddling"
by Binghamton Michael August 12, 2020
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Nuketown is a historical map in the Call of Duty franchise. It was first featured in Black Ops, then moved into Black Ops II, where it was also a zombie map, it was remade as "Nukehouse" in the ill-fated Declassified, and finally, it's reappearing in Black Ops III under the "l33t" moniker "NUK3TOWN."

The map shows a solid symmetrical design of mundane suburbia. Nuketown-esque is a combination of the title 'Nuketown' and a suffix to create an adjective to describe things that have a contrast of a mundane or nondescript setting and an absurd factor or use.
George Orwell's novel, 1984, can be described as nuketown-esque.
by calliopervr April 12, 2018
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A person who's phenomenally beautiful and absolutely wonder.
by soup_boi October 4, 2020
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Like a emo but not quite there just yet. Being emo-esque!
Hayley just go straighten your hair so it covers half your face then you'll graduate to a full emo not just an esque-emo!
by Naercyn October 15, 2006
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A one-word description of a person who exhibits symptoms of lazyness, sloth, liberalism, or an overall entitlement attitude (i.e. one who exudes an assweasel mentality).


One who, by simply being alive, elicits feelings of hatred, anger, and an overall desire to give the Roberto a rapid onset of sudden death.
I thought that employee was going to be great when we hired him, now he's turned out to be a fucking Roberto-esque piece of shit.


I really want to rip the arm off of that Roberto-esque piece of shit and beat him to death with it.
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A fancy twist to the word douche

1. When someone has a douchey presence, but you dont want to say douchey for fear of being made fun of.

2. When someone is like George W. Bush

1. When someone does something in a douchey way.

2. When someone does something like George W. Bush
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1. Dude, wearing that hat makes you look so douche-esque

2. Dude, going to war with Iraq made you look so douche-esque!

1. Dude, you make a sandwich so douche-esque

2. Dude, You write a speach so douche-esque
by jerry the suicidal freak August 11, 2006
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