A usually tall, tan, blonde, blue-eyed girl thats absolutely beautiful. She is an All-American girl-next-door type of girl, with great dreams. She is a friend you would want to have. She is the type of girl to bring home to mommy & daddy to impress. She is usually great in bed too.
Boy 1: "Look, its Darien!"
Girl: "She is so sweet, I love her!"
Boy 2: "I want her to be mine."
by TheRealDeal12321 July 23, 2011
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A town in Connecticut. Darien is steriotyped to be a filthy rich prep town, but not all of it is. That reputation belongs to Potomac, Maryland thank you very much.
girl from Darien: Hi! I play lacrosse and I'm a rich prep.
girl from Potomac: Psh- yeah right. You don't have a ribbon in your hair and your family only owns two cars. Try again, and next time wear some Juicy.
by DarienisntPotomac February 17, 2009
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A girl who is blonde, and she is a big slut bucket
Hi, I'm darien and im a slut bucket!
by amy pcon March 4, 2011
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Dariene is a one of a kind type of girl. Girls want to be her and guys want to have her. She's beautiful and sweet, caring and open to anyone. Often gets hurt by trusting to easily but is never discouraged by it. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and can do it in a professional and nice manner. Yet still get her point across, also never hurt her because she is easy to loose but hard to get back. Why would you want to loose such an amazing go-getter lady who will be something in life? If you find a girl named Dariene never let her go!
Guy 1: Hey bro, did you see that girl come out of geometry?

Guy 2: Yea Dariene?

Guy 1: She seems sweet, and is pretty hot. I need to get her number!
Girl 1: Did you see Dariene holding Carlos's hand!?

Girl 2: YES OMG ! I hate her so much for being with him... Why does she have to be so pretty!
Girl 1: I know.. I'm jealous!
by BasicsDontKnoe June 16, 2014
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Darien is a small town in Connecticut known for its population of preppy teenagers who insisit on popping their collars, wearing uggs boots with mini skirts and driving Jeep Grand Cherokees in various shades of blue. On weekends, Darieners often find themselves taking road trips to Portchester, NY or "pocho" because it is the only place that will really sell them beer. Then they go to lame house parties which are broken up by the police in less than hour because the entire police force has nothing better to do than break up teenage drinking parties; Darien doesn't haev real crime, only places like Stamford or Norwalk do. When they do travel to such "ghettoes" they listen to their rap music (50 cent) too loud and lock their car doors in fear of getting mugged. D-baggers, or Darieners are outrageously wealthy and every teenager's dream. They live a fantasy life in a bubble unlike anywhere else. Their waterfront property with the oversized SUVs in the driveway is home to them and even when they say they hate it, they love it, they eat it up and wish they could return whenever they leave. Darieners, despite their lacking sense of reality, have more pride than New Canaan and Greenwich combined (and more money too!)
The Darieners wore popped collars and Hadley Pollet belts to the game, knowing that all the hottest lax players would be ripping it up on the field that morning, despite their wicked hang overs from the house party the night before.
by Kelsey March 10, 2005
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darien is a small town in connecticut, in fairfield county with an overwhelming population of the preppiest teenagers you can find, the most beautiful housewives and the richest men. country clubs, yacht clubs and beach clubs are abundant, and you are considered poor if you are not a member of one of these organizations where you often are not allowed without a collared shirt. darien is next to new canaan and near greenwich, westport and fairfield where the same kinds of people can be found at their waterfront mansions showing obscene wealth.

home to some of the most ridiculous house parties that would make college students jealous, darien also has some of the most worthless policemen alive, who do nothing but drive around and bust up a house party if they are in such a mood. polo, lacoste, burberry, louis vuitton, vineyard vines, gucci, and prada are some of the favorite brands of the teenagers there, many of whom must have been born with a lacrosse stick in their hands.

despite nonstop drinking and partying, darien high school students are often accepted at top ivy league and other colleges, or at least the ones who haven't already been shipped off to a boarding prep school such as Andover, Deerfield, Choate or Taft. the population of darien is arrogant as a whole, looking down on anyone with less money or intelligence or ability than they have. darieners spend their summers in nantucket, martha's vineyard, cape cod or block island at their second homes and their winters at their ski houses.
driving through darien on my way to the real world, i noticed teenagers driving BMWs, Jeeps, Audis, Mercedes Benzes and Lexuses, moms so hot that they could be in their 20s, and a ridiculous array of preppy teenagers and rich, conservative adults on their way to the golf course or the yacht.
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One of the wealthiest town's in the country, second only to a small suburb outside of D.C.
As in, Darien is wealthier than both Greenwhich and NC, so claiming its some "lesser" version is absurd and done by only those who are jealous of the lavish lifestyle of its residents.
by Al K. July 28, 2006
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