When a male is having sex with a female that is in menstruation and when he is about to hit climax ,he cums in his hand while mixing it with the female blood making a red liquid, He then proceeds to sling the red liquid into the females face like its a web. very similar to spiderman that hoe.
Saul: Man, last night I Spiderman that hoe.
Luis: Thats nothing, last time i did it with my girl, I Carnage that hoe.
by Kakashi Itachi April 2, 2019
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when someone (typically a borgen) cannot help him/herself to cause carnage
Guy 1- "OMG that guy is such a carnage thriver, he cant help kicking over drinks and stuff"
Guy 2- "yeh blud he just thrives off carnage, he's probably a borgen"
by Andy123R January 28, 2009
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The official name for the London party borough of Epping, so named because the nightlife there is so wild that even the most reluctant of participants will inevitably lose their shit as the night progresses
'Jesus Christ almighty, what the fuck happened last night? Looks like the Epping carnage poo struck again because I've not only got memory loss but I also appear to have shat the bed. I say shat but it could be Nutella. (sniffs brown stain in question). Nope, it's definitely shit.'
by Anonymous submissions December 22, 2016
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A school with a bad name, in a bad neighborhood, with good courses. Its students either love the school, hate it, or don't give a $***. Back in the times of segregation, this was the black school while Ligon, the more-famous-in-the-area school two blocks away, was the white school. If you go to a game between the two, you would think they're still segregated.
What is up with our name? Carnage Middle School. It's like we have weekly battles or something.
by nekoneko918 April 18, 2011
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the act of smearing your bloody dick on a rectal tumor
Uncle Greer- dude i was just diagnosed with a malignant tumor
Blake- where is it?
Uncle Greer- on my ass
Blake- can i fuck it?
Uncle Greer- sure! i love cancerous ass carnage
by jlaw23s June 21, 2009
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The stomach upset that follows eating spicy mexican food
After that mexican banquet the toilet suffered some chilli con carnage
by tashy76 March 12, 2009
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