I was totally bexing the anus.

See sodomy or sodomise
by Plug fuck December 11, 2008
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A type of gaming console only weed smoking idiots can buy
Stoner: hey brah Im gonna buy an X Bex today.
by Theptpbro December 7, 2016
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A very angry man. Always has breakdowns on a catastrophic level.
He's raging so hard, he's having a bexely breakdown.
by Matthoweena May 2, 2021
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When your friend cannot pronounce a sex position so they end up accidently having sex with a horse
Oh, did you hear. Louis's girlfriend did a dirty bex last Friday.

How did Louis feel?
He loved it and joined in too.
by July 21, 2022
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Person A: Bex (Raymond) is so cool, I feel bad for her at times though
Person B: Yeah, Felix (Raymond) really is a terrible man
by Theshakenneverland May 8, 2022
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The infamous Twitch Plays Pokemon KEKW parody video of Bexxxxxxx exposing the mass corruption and coverups surrounding the SinR fiasco.
"Hey yo did you see that Bex Tape?"
"Yeah man I watched it while eating at Waffle House"
"That seems a bit insensitive considering the subject matter don't you think man?"
by fireball9801 April 6, 2021
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