when someone annoys you and you get triggered but don't want to swear
person 2: guess who killed you
person 1: lick my ass crack
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The very early portion of the day - around or before dawn. Derived from the term "crack of dawn."
"Man, I had to get up at the ass crack o' dawn to bring my mama to the airport for a 6am flight."

Beatrice got up every morning at the ass crack o' dawn to milk the cows.
by Ghetto Scribe June 28, 2006
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Someone's mom's ass that has a carpet on her ass and warts to go with it.
I wanted to do his mom sooo badly, but didn't realize that she had a rocky mountain ass crack.
by CutthroatMassacre June 8, 2007
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i did and no one will stop me
person 1: hey bro how are you doing
person 2: i licked my own ass crack
person 1: how bro i wanna try
by the golden woodchuck March 21, 2023
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Any tight spot between two large objects where in important things can get stuck or lost ie: between the kitchen stove and the refrigerator.
John: Becky have you seen the oven mitt?

Becky: the last I saw John, it was on top of the refrigerator.

John: Crap Becky! It's fallen and now it's stuck in the Devil's Ass Crack.
by The Great White Monkey June 12, 2023
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The act of putting cocaine in ones asshole and sniffing it out
ME: Thanks for the ass crack
Hooker: No prob
by ThatOneDud November 5, 2018
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