2 definitions by Ghetto Scribe

The very early portion of the day - around or before dawn. Derived from the term "crack of dawn."
"Man, I had to get up at the ass crack o' dawn to bring my mama to the airport for a 6am flight."

Beatrice got up every morning at the ass crack o' dawn to milk the cows.
by Ghetto Scribe June 28, 2006
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When Lafawnda told me she'd won the lottery and would be moving out o' her momma's house, I said "Comethefuckon! You really won the lottery?"

When Terrell said he was goin' marry his baby momma, Jermaine said, "Comethefuckon! You really goin' marry that ho?"
by Ghetto Scribe June 23, 2006
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