when a nigga names tyler has a freakout for no absolute reason everyday of the week
"Tyler has had his 5th Asperger Attack this week"
by myrawasshole June 1, 2018
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Here's a quick definition which ISN'T offensive. AHEM

Aka Asperger's Syndrome, this has nothing to do with anyone's burgers or asses, rather it is a neurological difference some people have where they exhibit signs of Autism like failure to respond to social cues like looking at a watch and tapping feet, etc. etc. However, they are usually high-functioning, so this means most with Asperger Syndrome seem like dorks but are probably Einstein (or Sherlock Holmes) when nobody is picking on them.
My friend has Asperger Syndrome. At first, everyone laughed at him, but they stopped when he scored 300 points higher than them on the standardized test.
by warrobotsalt February 2, 2019
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Asperger's Syndrome is at this time an incurable condition, which occurs mainly in males, although females can inheret this disorder. Asperger's is on the ASD (Autistic Spectrum disorder). It is therefore linked With Autism. Those who suffer with autism, are on the higher end of the autistic Spectrum, whereas those with Asperger's tend to be on the milder end of the scale. The main difficulty people find with having Asperger's is social interaction with others. Asperger's cannot be defined by one set of Characteristics, because those with AS, don't have exactly the same difficulties that another individual with Asperger's may have.

Common characteristics those with Asperger's tend to display are... difficulties with eye contact, difficulty empathizing with others, Obsessive Complusive Behaviour and feeling uncomfortable standing out from the crowd. There are many more symptoms which can be part of this condition.

Other Terminology used for Asperger's Syndrome are: AS. Aspie, Asperger's, Autism, mild autism, Asperger's Disorder.

There are often misconceptions about Asperger's and Autism. Some people who are narrow minded, describe autism/AS as a "teenage phase" or an "excuse for being a loner" However these descriptions are inaccurate. Asperger's was discovered by Hans Asperger, a psychiatric doctor in 1944. This condition is not an excuse for having difficulty with social development. It is a real disorder, which affects individuals more than the Neurotypical person will know.
OK, so what is Asperger's Syndrome?
It is a disoder that can affect the AS individuals in different ways, dependant upon their specific diagnosis; mild to severe. A usual difficulty those with AS find is social interaction.
by xctinax December 21, 2006
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A mental condition when you say the most obvious things,but in a deep and thoughtful way.
People with Asperger Syndrome are very cool and clever.
by SomeoneNew February 7, 2011
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A normal human being who shows many signs of autism and is also usually hispanic.
Señor Aspergers could smell his moms shit from a mile away.
by B4115INY0M0UF April 2, 2020
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The real Asperger's Syndrome is part of autism. However, some posers decide to be "autistic" and start self-diagnosing themselves as those who Asperger's Syndrome. Not only do they make it seem more like a poser disorder, they make real aspies want to beat the living shit out of them.

The example would be an emo kid who labels herself having Asperger's without a doctor who knows shit. I'm not much into emo shit so I knew that emos try to look cool using other people's diagnoses. What about being Bi-Polar and having that emo use that diagnosis sent by the doctor instead?
BTW, I know better than to proclaim to have Asperger's Syndrome even though I'm been diagnosed with one by the doctor. It is not glamorous or hot. In fact, it makes me too much like Phil Fry when I walk around in the city.
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 3, 2008
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Reading many of the definitions on here,there seems to be a lot of confusion about the condition.
A mental disorder affects your day to day abilities,thoughts,feelings,perception and basically everything.If someone is diagnosed with aspergers just because they are a bit eccentric,but can function exactly the same as anyone else,then maybe they shouldn't be classed as having a real disorder.I can tell you,i've met LOADS with aspergers that have no difficulties with mixing,understanding or anything.In fact maybe they just have insomnia or are hyper or like starwars!
Out of the 15 i met,only 1 was genuinely handicapped and the other 1 had intellectual issues,so basically,they were only 2 that had limitations.The rest just didn't like the tags on their clothing or something that didn't affect their life,yet me,who has severe anxiety,limitations,learning difficulties,day to day functioning issues e.g. shopping,catching the bus,cooking,speaking to people i don't know,everything like that really badly!-got left,yet all the ones who just were funny about clothing got 100 times more support than i did,so either aspergers is too minor for me to have with my scrambled brain (believe it or not,i have noticeable limitations to what i can do.I mean,i can do about as much as a 7 year old and i'm 16!) or aspergers is diagnosed to just anybody with a weird quirk?
aspergers syndrome is real,but bear in mind,a mental disorder disables you!
by catonia January 17, 2009
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