a fuckin' shit faced emo kid whos ass will get jumped by some goths at some point in their life.
I smell emo shit.
Get your curb stomping foot ready.
by Tori^Brittany October 28, 2007
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Any song that decribes the life of an emo bitch. Bands such as Hollywood Undead is a GREAT Example!
Lets go listen to some pussy emo shit and cut ourselves guys.
by Badass mcbadassinson July 12, 2008
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A stupid motherfucker that is "scene emo" and cries and is a stupid faggot all over you. They are either an emo bag of shit or you'd very much like to hit them with an actual bag of shit... hard... in the face.
eva- "ohmigod i got a yeast infection from my 00 supertight jeans im gunna cut my legs off and die a slow painful death in my room with mcr's cementary drive on repeat. goshhh!"

dory-"emo bag of shit." ::slaps with paper bag of human feces"
by Doryvette F. August 29, 2006
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