Fairy poop is a crusty substance that is created by a fairy (or multiple fairies) defecating in the corner of your eyes while you sleep, in the middle of the night.
That little fairy shit in my eye! Now I gotta clean this fairy poop out!

Goddamn it! I got some fairy poop on my eye, and now they wont open!
by Lil'lil January 31, 2017
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When you are involuntarily put into a horrible smelling bathroom, car, or contained area where someone has let out a nasty fart or smelly bowel movement, therefore you are in a poop dungeon.
My sister locked me in a poop dungeon. Love the gas Meg, love it.
by MegGriffin January 16, 2011
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Poop is something that comes out of your butt and is really gross
I went to the bathroom to go POOP
by Bella11805 March 2, 2017
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An old rich male, usaully driving a gold or black Caddilac or BMW. If you see one of these cars, You can say the car is poop throaty. Some people who are poop throats are Bernie Madoff, George Bush, James Cameron, and Bill Clinton.
Wow, that guy in the BMW is a total poop throat.
by Poopthroat #5 August 29, 2010
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Usually right after lunch break in a factory, employees will fill up the six stalls in the men's room and engage in team pooping. They will talk about useless sports news while they pound one out. The medley of aroma is strangling and will make your eyes burn. If you hold your nose, you will taste it. Truly makes you wish you would have stayed in school.
"Look at Jeremy. He just experienced his first team pooping. Either you love it or you hate it. I think he hates it."
by Running out of patience March 1, 2008
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YouTube Poop is a name used for videos posted on YouTube which are usually nonsensical and random. They are simply just randomly chosen clips from things such as cartoons, clipped, looped and remixed to make it sound really strange. The most commonly used clips include scenes from the CD-i game of The Legend of Zelda, and a Mario game called Hotel Mario. These particular YouTube Poop videos (or YTP) are popular among the internet-savvy people and are a major source of internet culture. Some of YTP is inspired by media shown on YTMND.com, such as the public service message given by Sonic the Hedgehog about being touched in uncomfortable places. The most popular source of clips would be from the Super Mario Bros. cartoon, episode called "Mama Luigi". The most used phrase from this episode would be "That's MAMA Luigi to you, Mario!"
Phrases from YouTube Poops' most popular clips:

"MAMA LUIGI?! *laughs*" - Mario
"That's MAMA Luigi to you, Mario!" - Luigi, Super Mario Bros.

"Gee, it sure is boring around here!" - Link, The Legend of Zelda CD-i

"My booooy." - Old man, The Legend of Zelda CD-i
(Usually pronounced "Mah boiiii.")

"Or else you will DIE!" - Ganon, The Legend of Zelda CD-i

"And YOU gotta help us!" - Luigi, Hotel Mario

"Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone ya like. But if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's NO good. It's your body; No one has the right to touch you if you don't want them to. So, what do ya do? First, ya say NO! Then, ya get outta there!" - Sonic, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
by Malunis November 4, 2007
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Those fecal deposits made in utmost haste, with a complete absence of reading or other tom-fooleries.
I have class in ten minutes. This needs to be a business poop.
by William Forrester IV March 20, 2010
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