Crypto slang for when a team behind a crypto/NFT project abandons the project and runs away with investors’ funds.
"Just got f**kin rugged hard on that Frosties NFT drop bra"
by Rugsamillion April 19, 2022
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1. A term for rocky terrain
2. A term for a tough guy
3. A cringe fucking term for NFT bros to use meaning to get the rug pulled out from under them when they make a stupid braindead fucking gamble
1. I needed an ATV to go over rugged terrain
2. That guy is rugged
3. 🤓 I got rugged 🤓 what a scam 🤓
by plxnormsu November 29, 2021
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Cumming into a sex doll that has already been came in by other men; insinuating your dick is being cleansed by the other men’s semen
Craig: Yo John, i was washing the rug the other day.
John: Intentionally!?!? You fuckin gay?
Craig: Shiiiiit....
by Enzooooooooo February 7, 2019
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1. When you accidentally misspell drugs and somehow make it two words.
2. When you scramble a word with those 6 letters and get two words...somehow.
Person 1: Should I do do rugs?
Person 2: Do rugs? What's that?
Person 3: He means drugs.
Person 2: Why would you do drugs?
Person 4: I think it may have been a scrambled word.
Person 3: Do rugs...uh...gourds?
Person 4: What's a gourd?
Person 3: Shut up, I tried my best.
by SomeoneShadow December 8, 2018
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Rug muncher daddy is a lesbian that has sex with loads of women
Megab is such a rug Muncher Daddy she goes with every woman.
by Water drip November 8, 2022
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Ed: "lets go to this restaurant" Pete: " i cant, im broke" Ed: "please...your'e a rich bug on a rug"
by richbug1 June 5, 2018
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