A question you know that is best opposed to herself and a question you might automatically say out of the blue when you are talking to her; if at some point you meet a distressed traumatized female with "Carol Anne" for a first name and "Star" as a last name; who has either had an abusive or a stressful past life and is always mean, angry, defensive, panicky, and holds a bizzare negative opinion in regards to nearly everything that brings us human beings together! Things like sex, dating, pregnancy, children, babies, love, marriage, kissing, and cuddling...
It's not easy for anybody! We all got our own issues to handle and we all go through bad things but having the last name star, one would assume you'd be hella tougher coping than the rest of us. You're a star and stars are bright! How can a star twinkle its way into the dark and can't shine a way out? Use your light and step away from the darkness Carolanne Star! Otherwise you'll end up just like starlight.sl1996
by Ertten Ques October 6, 2019
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A dance move where one flicks their ankle in a left to right motion while bending forward towards said ankle, shimmying your shoulders and moving your hands as if you were shining your shoe
Have you seen the way Rach does the "shine the shoe"? She's such a good dancer.
by shinemyshoe January 25, 2018
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To pretend you like something or someone when you really don't.
That waitress kept calling me sweetie... Oh that shine on is just for a better tip
by rainboacorn July 22, 2023
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Get lost, move along, Thanks byeeee, fuck off. The hippie equivalent of "Bless your heart."
Trump won!
Shine on, pal.
by Cliffsongs November 1, 2022
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To eminate Retired Baton Rouge A pot dealing preacher who retired to a growers life in South Colorado .
2 To get you shine on decorate or to do anything lavishly or extravigantly .Several cannibas strains and many rap songs are named after j Sunshine, known for handing out turkeys in Lil Wayne neighborhood .
That guy over there with the fancy ride and the dope ass girl on his shoulder has his ",shine on " 4 sure .I want to be like him as nd get my Shine on ".
by Don Solaro June 14, 2021
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When you cum in your partner's eye so aggressively that you give them a black eye.
"How'd you get that black eye?"

"My husband gave me a shine shot."
by BeefCake_Official August 21, 2022
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The strongest creature known by man or alien. It is claimed by it, and only it, but even then it does not contain it.
by PencilLeadHead July 12, 2018
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