The act/art of having a bowel movement into a "polar pop" cup,
I was at work so I was forced to polar poop
by Polar 💩 bear September 26, 2017
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When a female wipes her self from back to front after going to the bathroom
Last night I went down on her she smelled liked she wiped from back to front ending up with a nasty poop clam .
by Large in charge March 21, 2019
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When a male has to shit so bad he gains an erection. This happens when one holds their pooh too long, all the pooh pushes up against the prostate; which leads to an erection.
Dude, i got a massive poop boner right now.

This poop boner is wicked!
by Synthroid December 10, 2010
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The grossest poop of all.
"Why are we here?" Douglas cried, as poop came out his weiner, in a long, thin strip. It was . . . weiner poop -
by HCGATOR07 April 21, 2010
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1) A firm, almost unbreakable piece of dung, or 2) A derogatory term used to put-down friends, siblings, or strangers.
"I just laid down a serious poop log. I would guess it was about a 9 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness."

"Mom, Harper just called me a poop log. I think she's a poop log."
by Crossonian January 3, 2009
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A Japanese invention. Human and/or animal feces are strained for their protein, which is collected and sanitized. Once it's "clean" it's converted into a meat that resembles beef. Word on the streets of Tokyo is that poop meat is mad delicious, son.
I went over to EZ's place the other night and she whipped up a poop meat pasta dish. EZ called it "spaghetti bolognasty."
by bowlfullofjelly July 24, 2011
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