A weekend of absolutely no worries or concerns that occur in your daily life.
A weekend of peace that allows you to restrategize everything that concerns you.
"I need a reset weekend before starting graduate school."

"My vacation was more like a reset weekend; long enough to get my mind right, but short enough for me to say fuck it all!!!!"
by Good Trouble May 28, 2017
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A person who engages in their chosen hobby only at the weekends, but, instead of enjoying themselves, spends the entire time preoccupied with troubling thoughts of a mostly mundane nature, e.g. office politics, family strife, the spectre of their own mortality.
'Yeah, I guess you could call me a 'weekend worrier'. Note how I pronounced 'worrier' /wʌri:ə/, not /wɒri:ə/', which is probably what you expected me to say... It's a play on words I sometimes do to amuse people, but usually just myself... Well, I like it... Aaanyway, great party, hey? Fleeting distraction from the universal certainty that we'll all be dead one day... Yep, nice talking to you, too.'
by L'esprit de l'escalier February 23, 2016
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The word the hip and happening Sups uses for a long weekend
I'm out. But there's a link weekend to see all you buggers.
by Rando123456 August 5, 2022
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If Valentines day falls on a weekend, your partner has to spend the whole weekend with you, because then the whole weekend is seen as a big Valentines day.
Tom: Yo babe, what are we gonna do on Valentines Weekend?

Jennifer: Oh, i was just going to spend Valentines Day with you and not the entire weekend, because im a snitch.
by Good Boyfriend February 13, 2021
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the second weekend if October is national call your boyfriend day.
“Hey do you have any plans on the second weekend of October
“Yeah! Its national call your national call your boyfriend weekend!”
by pseudonymdagreat October 7, 2023
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a group of men from grimsby who go all weekend (hence the name)
by gtfc ataw ees May 13, 2023
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