something so rare as to be effectively hypothetical. Far more difficult to find than a needle in a haystack but not quite as preposterous as finding a sasquatch or extra terrestrial.
I’m totally gonna win the lotto tonight!

Yeah? And imma find a well dressed professor!
by BigWu July 29, 2022
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To shuck the corn. Synonymous phrase. Familiar to Eastern and Central PA
“He done went and dress the corn Pa
by PhillyPat May 7, 2022
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Taking a shit in the Turkey before baking at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 hours, and watching later as all your elders enjoy your home cooking.
Old man: "Oh darling, your Turkey is delicious this year. What's your secret?"

Woman: "My secret sauce."

Old man: "Well I enjoy you dressing the turkey."
by Colojolo July 27, 2009
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When one does a pointless task for no other reason than to satisfy the deranged humor of another individual.
Person 1: Why are you painting the grass red?
Person 2: Just dressing the skeleton for the boss. He thinks it is funny for some reason.
Person 1: You are retarded.
by fingergunmitch July 23, 2018
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A woman or man who is dressed in manner to pick up and have sexual relations with another person or persons.
Kane: Did you see what Lucy is wearing tonight? She’s definitely looking for some action.

Nathan: She’s dressed to slam.
by Schlonga November 3, 2019
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The after effects of when pulling ones dick from a cunt or anal cavity.
Yo john i was fucking my girl but she was so wide i slipped it in her ass instead and after i pulled out i had the worst dick dressing on my shaft i have ever experinced.

John: I would recommend she shower more and even consider an enema.
by Citizens March 15, 2014
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