People at a ski resort that can't take the slighty cold weather and end up sitting in the ski lodge for most of the day and wasting the day
Matt: It's a little cold out today but it's not terrible.
Keith: Yeah but you know there is certainly gonna be a lot of lodge llamas today anyways.
by Sunshine Kweft March 2, 2022
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A woman who enjoys giving head to a man on the toilet taking a dump. See plunker or blumpkin.
"Did that llama plunker really do that last night?"

"My girlfriend is now officially a 'llama plunker'."
by eyebrows&boobes March 20, 2017
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When your sex partner her/she gives you the reverse titertotter while spitting in your face
"Hey babe what do you wanna do tonight" I think you should give me that angry llama:)
by By:Jhonnynonips July 21, 2018
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A docile puppy dressed up in costume to frighten toddlers on Halloween
I put a gimp mask on my little bitch Goldilocks. Now the children are frightened of her. She is such a Battle Llama
by Uncle Roger Roger Roger September 10, 2021
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rcmx's nuts are on llama's chin
by rcmx October 1, 2018
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