“What’s two times a parable?”
Gay men. You’ve told me this joke a thousand times.”
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Phrase used in retort to or comment upon an expression of superiority and/or one-upmanship, such as a comeback.
MAN 1: "It appears that I have bested you in a contest of strength me lad, what say you?"
MAN 2: "what-a-bluff"
by dogwithabone May 6, 2009
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Person1: "Yo, this guy carried us so hard this game, we could not have won without him."

Person2: "Yea, ikr what a pal"
by Paichi December 28, 2017
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Its just a person who hides name over asking something

It is only used with boys to keep something private ,when ever they got asked bout it they wont say anything
What happened to Himnothing he is cool l guess
by What Happened To Josh February 12, 2023
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