A derogatory term used by insecure males who couldn’t have a girlfriend even if they did everything for them.
Did you see Jake give flowers to his girlfriend yesterday on snap? SIMP.

You dead asked her out last week..

(Yes, that’s why I’m putting her boyfriend down so she regrets not wanting me. I can’t stand seeing other people happy.)
by spookyghost2 September 21, 2020
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Falls in love way to fast and will drop the homies and go with the hoes.
Charlie G. Galloway simpin

You are you are my favorite
by Simpin November 13, 2019
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incels evolved and developed a new word to describe the jealously they feel upon seeing a Gentleman in a any form of relation with a woman.
My God. My jealously has reached the point where I must call all men in relationships simp.
What would Jesus do?
I think I'll go stalk my crush's Facebook page and attach a GPS tracker to her car.
by Feminist Balrog December 28, 2019
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A man that tries to do anything to get with a woman, even if she gives him no attention back.
Usually, he will compliment anything about her.
Jad Harb is a simp because he keeps complimenting Jessica's shoes.
Jad Harb ditched the boys to go out with Jessica and her sister.
by Dadoopriv April 18, 2020
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An unwise man who clings to a girl whom he likes for attention.
Dude everybody don't call Luke and Tristan simps! (Don't you understand?) At least Tristan got lotta hoes online, and Luke just broke up with Maya! Look at Mirza.
by The best definition inventor February 17, 2020
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A person who chooses a female person over the boys, even on a saturday.
Person 1: Davis is such a simp for choosing molly over the boys!
Person 2: I know brow, such a simp.
by SwagMasta42069 April 27, 2020
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Person 1: Aw man he’s such a simp!
Person 2: What’s a simp?
Person 1: Have you not heard? The definition of simp is Joe. Fuck Joe!
Person 2: Ew! Fuck Joe!
Person 3: Joe? Who’s joe?
Person 1 & 2: JOE MAMA
Person 3: No, Joe the Simp
Person 1, 2, & 3: FUCK JOE!
joe pussy
by Devi1sev7n April 14, 2020
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