Red Foreman: son you don't have bad luck
Eric Foreman ...
Red Foreman: it's just,.. your a dumbass....
by Zenjamintraverse May 2, 2018
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jewish guy who does not pursue women
joan: " woah that girl seems a bit sad"
mike: " yeah she got eric sebe'd"
joan: "oh noo"
by peen216 August 8, 2023
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A forgotten member of the best fuckin band out, murderdolls. He's the bass player and the one with the cool spikey--mullet haircut thing goin on on his head...also very sexy...not that that really matters coz he's a fuckin awsum bassist!!
me: " is eric griffin..."
<screams and runs up to him>
me: "may I have a lock of your hair?"
eric: "fuck no!"
me: "damn...well...can u just sign my ass then?"
eric: "gotta pen?"
by ghoulscout#666 June 7, 2006
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An Asian version of Chuck Norris. Sure he isn't even a little bit of Chuck Norris's awesomeness, but he's closer than anyone in the planet.
Person 1: I saw Eric Cho the other day, but when i saw him my eyes burned because they were too unworthy.

Person 2: That explains why your blind...
by Emo Elephant March 21, 2006
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Jim said that he had a baseball game. "Nah bruh he's just pulling an eric"
by Ayylmao6999 September 26, 2015
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One of the top Chinese martial arts practitioners in the world. Through numerous years of hard work, he has reached a stage in Wushu in which not many can even get close to. Winning many trophies and awards, this martial arts prodigy has gained worldwide appeal and attention. Many consider his Wushu skills to be unmatched.
Eric Whang is my Wushu hero!
by Jennie Chen May 1, 2007
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U.S. Congressman or possibly manager of the asshole store.
'Eric Cantor reminds me of the Manager of the asshole store.' -Lewis Black.
by Johnny Blac February 10, 2009
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