someone who bites swag on the internet
"did u see axxturels insta? i wanna dress like him!"
"ur a net biter dude.."
by gang money September 5, 2023
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Is the under-soil network of interlaced root systems of above ground botanica.

Root netting is when tree root systems interlock, creating a hidden "net" of support for surface soil.

In simple terms, when plants hold hands under the soil.
"If you remove this forest, the ground will not be supported by this root-netting any longer, and may give way."
by Mr H20 August 20, 2022
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When you tell one person you love them and make them wait for you just in case you current relationship fails
Safty net: I'm dating Luke but I'm using carlos as a safety net just because I feel like Luke will leave me
by Mastermind$ June 29, 2015
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someone who solely talks on the Internet but will never actually do that shit in person
username2527: ur a fat ugly pig and I could punch you

username6756:: stop being a net talker a do that shit
by drakeandnickibelong September 14, 2023
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Put on the Internet.

To 'net something is to post text or upload media onto the Internet.
That's hilarious. You've gotta 'net it.

Did you 'net that picture of your girlfriend in her underwear? She's gonna dump your ass.
by IM22 October 1, 2010
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1-Used to describe a form of comic that can assume diverse forms like images, videos, etc. and is diffused through the social networks whose access is realized through Internet.
2-a variation of the term "meme"generally used by people over 50 used mostly in Portuguese-speaking countries
boy 1- eu realmente gosto desta pagina de Facebook, ela partilha piadas da net (internet jokes) muito engraçadas
boy 2 -não te atrevas a chamar memes ,"piadas da net (internet jokes)" de novo ,eles são a joia da internet e devem ser tratados como tal
by winterwyanamelody June 24, 2018
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A person that consumes large amounts of internet without paying for it.
Wendy: My internet just renewed and 2 gigabytes are already gone!

Michael: It was Jacob downloading game mods.

Jacob: It wasn't me!'

Wendy:Your such a......Net Muncher!
by Truthman445 May 12, 2013
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