Tittle E do will be your little companion. You will not like him/her in any way but they will still be your best friend. It will be with you all of the time even when you are alone. The Tittle E do will set on your shoulder or on the toilet paper stand in the bathroom. He will even perch on the end of your pen when you are writing in the middle of class or at work. You will hate the Tittle E do but you will never get away from him. You are his everything but to you he is nothing.
Sally- "I don't know what a tittle E do is but I know that I have one and it follows me everywhere."

Mike-"I have a tittle E do also, but I do not know it's name or where it came from, but I know that it is there all of the time."

April-"Yall over here talking about your Tittle E do's just grow up already and go pay some taxes"
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Jacob and Lily are e-bestfriends.
by E-boy666 August 11, 2019
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Vote unanymously anonymously! – All opposed? 0 – unanimous vote.

Insure to ensure smooth running!

Fantas-e value;
Accumulate venture capital;
Cool & clever;
Drive for success;
The sky is the limit;

Achieve your goals;
Buy strength;
Manage your money;
Bring your dreams into the real world;
The Set Est - Invest in the Best!
Thought for the day: Only gross ineptitude has stood in the way of vast intelligence.
by Hercolena Oliver July 4, 2010
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"are they francesco e carmine?"

"yes! they're boyfriends"
"francesco e carmine are like soulmates! their bound is unbreakable'
by anonimus6969 April 26, 2023
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Electronic Blemage also know as a vape or e cig or besh

originating in the certi 16 ends
i bare need an e blem before i die
by Rodak October 11, 2022
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ONF fashion Leader

Bias ni Rana sa ONF
E-tion is Chang-dol
by MiracleKeuri March 6, 2022
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-It is a slur, It's very offensive to swag people. Do not say it. Ever.
-Hey, Didn't I just told you to not say it??? yikes bro don't even try

by meggegeggegeegge April 26, 2021
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