To get over on someone such as taking advantage or stealing
" He tried to pull a handle on me "

" Luckily I'm not that stupid "

" He tried to pull a handle on someone "
" Goes to show what his getdown is "
by 408Sanjo November 30, 2022
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When you have a kink of using things as handles.
"He has a handle kink, he told me he could cut my asscheeks off and sew them onto my back and use em as handles when he's fucking my deformed ass."

"Im going to cut your hair off and glue half of it on each side of your back and use em as handles while i fuck you in the ass"
by Bklitzed February 10, 2022
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My brother Johnathan, given a million opportunities and chances in life, yet still setup for failure because of plain stupidity and drug addiction.
Jake: oh man i just ruined this expensive thing.... Ethan: you just done a Can't Handle It!
by nao2357 February 22, 2021
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A male sexual organ that has been sprayed with floral scented cologne/perfume
Monika: "Yo i saw Brad's dong last night"
Carlito: "Bruh"
Monika: "it's a real Blossom Handle
by Mr. Meme Dream Supreme September 27, 2019
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known for dressing as a woman and hosting prosbies. one time he vomited next to brendans bed...and gaby's jacket. but its ok, we swear by him.
can you matt handle this?
by lovetomatthandle November 6, 2009
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When your on Urban Dictionary and feel the need to change your username whether it be annoyance, it growing old, people making fun of it, wanting to spice it up or many other reasons.
Guy: I think I don't like BigFatChunkyHairyBalls as my username anymore considering all of my family is seeing my definitions
*Opens up on Urban dictionary*
*Clicks Click here to change your handle8
Guy: How about I change it to supaman?
Guy: Oh, it's taken
Guy: How about 342942340240234?
Guy: Yippee
by q1z September 13, 2022
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"Handle goo" is the layer of germs and who knows what on anything the public touches. For example a door handle, an escalator handle, the rail or handle on a stairway.
Leaving the bathroom Jill had no choice but to use the door handle and get her hands covered in handle goo.
by BrieKneeVA August 24, 2008
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