Ashley, They are very shy at first but can be really silly once you get to know her! (In a good way) they are not the friendliest once they get Comfortable around you but boy they r do nice at first🤣 They are very good readers especially when it comes to comics oh how much they adore them! They aren’t very athletic or all about the “beauty” thing.
Girl- she’s really shy I think I’ll be her friend Girl-Hey! Ashley- h-h-hi 10 weeks later Girl-Hey Ashley! Ashley-Heyyyy Besfran
by @ForFun August 21, 2019
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Ashley, It's pretty dumb to search. All you'll find is disappointment. Ashley is dumb, Nasty, Gay, Weird, Ugly, Never date an Ashley, you'll come to find that she only wants pussy. She is pretty much just a toy. "NEVER DATE AN ASHLEY!!
Hey where's Ashley?
IDK, And I'm Glad I don't.
by Coolest, Loud, Crazy, Lame April 15, 2020
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Ashley is a girl that is bisexual and use to have a best friend.They fell out many years latter,She was fake and lied about everything. Ashley used to be a sweet girl she always did her work and was very smart.Now she pretends that she's someone else, she hangout with girls that don't even like her that well. Ashley try to pretend that her new friends are her old best friend.
Ashley is a fake friend.
by Nick✊🏻 March 9, 2019
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Ashley is the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. And omygosh is she beautiful. I am so lucky to have her in my life. Even thought I have never met her in real life I can still see how cool beans she is. Her friends are so lucky to have her in their life’s, she makes my life so much better. I wish I could meet her in real life one day.. just a lil s/o to her. Love ya ash🥺✨💙
I am so lucky to have Ashley I’m my life
by i_makro October 17, 2019
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A person who, before seeing, you assume is a girl, but actually turns out to be a skin-headed bastard who has a limited vocabulary, thus swears all the time, and is relatively partial to giving out the odd insult. Despite having a love for giving insults, he is extremely over-sensitive to everything and reacts by calling you a c*nt or a di*khead. He is the sort of person that you just want to hit and swear at, but try to resist the tempting temptation to avoid sinking to his level of immaturity. He also despises any body who does not agree with him, calling you a very hurtful name as there is little else in his head to offer an alternative.
Stop being a prick....oh sorry I're Ashley
by dongy June 7, 2014
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Ashley means that she is a player,slut, but she is still super dupoer nice and she is super sweet she will be there for u on the hardest breakups ever. Oh she is also a hoe.
Guy1:isn't that ashley
Guy2:ya didn't she breakup with john

Guy1:ya and now shes with alex
Guy2:wow wat a slut
by #SavageGirl February 11, 2018
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The name Ashley is beautiful the name Ashley is a very common name ,any Ashley is a bad ass,beautiful,caring,kind and a lovely person and has a really beautiful body she will probably have a lot of haters. but she doesn’t really care everybody loves the person who has the name Ashley she’s just angel coming from heaven if any guy has a girl name Ashley or likes a girl name Ashley he should be very lucky to have her any guy will die to have her. Ashley is an amazing person, a lot of people are very jealous of her because she’s beautiful just like a flower
“I wanna be like Ashley!”

“She’s just so amazing!”

“I wish I was like her”

“Wow she’s so beautiful 😍 “
by Hurls a November 25, 2017
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