world war 3 will get here quicker if someone gets the guts to stand up to that monkeyfaced fuckwad in office.
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A major global conflict resulting in the deaths of roughly 12,000,000,000 civilians and soldiers, mainly focused in the United States as well as many other English speaking countries. It broke out near early December of 12020, it also resulted in the near collapse of the United States, and was short lived as it suddenly stopped on December 25th.
"Woah, do you remember World War 84?"
by notarealperson111 December 21, 2020
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1. n - World War III is the name that will refer to a future war that will involve the whole war. World War III is a war that should not happen, as it will probably result in the destruction of the entire planet.
World War III will be the apocalypse.
by Jesus Hong July 29, 2006
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Allies vs Axis, started mostly by fascist imperialism on the part of the Axis powers. During the war, Germany at its peak had taken over most of Europe, Japan had taken most of the Pacific island nations, and Italy had taken most of northern Africa. Ended in 1945. Perhaps the most significant event of the 20th century, and this dictionary can't possibly begin to cover all of it. See also: every show on the History Channel.
Thirty years from now when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War Two?" -- you won't have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana."
-- General George Patton
by boohiss June 8, 2004
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A war which America, Britain, and Russia kicked some serious ass in.
America, Britain, and Russia are badass and awesome.

world war 2
by Valintino the Big Surpremo August 20, 2010
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