Most Commonly a Rogers Girlfriend. Usually is Loyal and very Beautiful.
by rog! July 9, 2009
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She is amazing! She is wonderful and so talented. She is not mean infact she is the greatest person that you will ever meet. If you meet her be her friend. She will make you happy if you are sad. She can be a great friend and a role model.
Whitney is amazing
by slime45 March 23, 2019
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I don't know what these fools on this website be saying about the name Whitney but, if you're actually tryna find out what it means, it's lean. Whitney Houston used to drink lean so rappers be calling it Whitney. And you only drink that out the double cup.
We was sippin Whitney and we was leaning hard af
by SwampBuggy January 10, 2018
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A girl with brown eyes and hair she's got a fat ass and loves going to parties. When you find her don't let her go because you'll never get her back.💯
I meet this girl whitney at a party......she is fine as Hell!
by Lilbabylightskin March 14, 2017
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crack cocaine; any substance that causes crazy/crack-like behavior
He on that whitney (he's on crack or he's acting like it)
by mimi45 May 25, 2006
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A tall weird girl that likes talking all the time and loves tall men. She enjoys long walks on the beach and loves to collect seashells. She is a freak in the bed!!
I love Whitney! She is the coolest!
by nobodyknows1998 February 27, 2013
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To get high on crack cocaine and to shit yourself and be unable to help yourself.

To publicly embarrass yourself while high on drugs.

Named after the legendary singer Whitney Houston's desent in to drugs culminating in her being found in bed wearing a nappy.
Help me, I'm doing a Whitney!

These drugs are good, I'm doing a Whitters!
by Phil, Jo, Sue, Gerry & Rob December 10, 2006
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