This is when you can't stop farting while getting a blow job.
Carrie - "My man was a real vuvuzela last night"
by mjisapedo October 22, 2010
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oh, no. not another vuvuzela. gah, i freaking hate those things!!!
by purple_sheboodles29 July 7, 2010
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1. The reason slavery began.
2. The reason people don't want to help Africa's poverty.
3. The reason people are still racist.
4. The annoying trumpet thing that makes sounds like bumblebees, used by Africans at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Man #2: Don't worry dude it's just those douchey vuvuzelas.
by Mosesaurus_Rex June 27, 2010
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A noise-making device for men who can't yell loud enough. Used at soccer games by bitches who like blowing on things.
Dallas is a hard-core motherfucka who doesn't need a vuvuzela because every person in the stands hears him yelling.
by Kane-FCHS October 22, 2010
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A trumpet, usually of plastic, which adds a note of good cheer to an otherwise mind-numblingly dull sporting event.
I must tip my hat to Methusaleh;
On matters of age, a bamboozelah.
He claimed nigh a grand;
Which whopper will stand,
Until Gabriel blows his vuvuzela.
by npetrikov June 17, 2010
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A horn South Africans ingeniously invented to drive Ameri-cunts away from football, as it should be. Believe it or not, haters, you'll be thanking the South Africans some time soon.
World Cup spectator blowing a Vuvuzela:BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Ameri-cunt: NO!!!!!!!!!
by RedEdSaidSo August 20, 2010
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When a girl gives a guy a blumpkin in a porta-potty
Bulfinch shocked the world when August's mom gave him a Belgian Vuvuzela after soccer practice
by Charlie Sheeen October 21, 2011
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