An individual who has grown disillusioned with the socially-enforced racial status quo of today which is utterly detrimental to the White race, and thus chooses to fight it opposed to remaining inactive and complacent.
by Ubermensch February 4, 2003
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One with a shaved head, tight jeans, boots, and who cannot fight on his own. They usually go around in large groups beating up younger kids or people in smaller numbers.
The word skinhead is almost an oxy-moron. When you see one, there are usually ten more standing behind you.
by J January 24, 2004
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Someone who for some reason likes being bald and makes a virtue of being violent.Rather than better himself the skinhead chooses to cling to his identity with the gutter and effects a macho identity but is secretly gay.He enjoys the homo erotic activity of leaping around clutching closely to his male skin buddies to raucous noise accompanied by moronic hate filled ranting.
He doesn't realise that his fascist politics actually protect the ruling class that oppress him and his people.
"Hey I'm not violent I'm just a SKINHEAD,I just like to kick people in and stamp on there heads cos really I want to fuck them but I can't cos my dicks to small."
by hoedown November 16, 2004
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A White-American who doesn't like Blacks or Jews.
The Skinhead said, "I hate anyone that isn't White Protestant"
by Dan August 9, 2003
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a dumbass who is so pathetic that he has to look for some way to put himself above others and feel a little bit of self worth and therefore uses his skin color because he has nothing else he can use. Everyone with half a brain knows that the color of your skin is genetic and it has nothing to do with anything. Actually skinheads are usually uneducated bastards who try and look tough and beat up innocent people. They sure are cool! People try to cover up the culture saying that skinheads are of every color and they just are so innocent because they have good working class values....this is a cover up to try and not expose what skinheads truly are...and what they are truly. is a piece of shit who doesnt deserve a life.
That skinhead thinks he's cool with his boots and suspenders, trying to intimidate everyone. WHAT A PUSSY!!!
by BitchPlease March 11, 2006
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Maladjusted white youth and young men who display aggressiveness to all those who do not fit into their racist and deluded ideals. The phenotype of this subclass is a closely cropped or shaven palate. Some sport goatees. Tattoos may also be present. Employment typically correlates with construction and labor-intensive work. They are usually uneducated, unintelligent and unable to function effectively in society. Hence, their aggressiveness stems from an underlying sometimes subconscious resentment of their own genetic and environmental impediments. Skinheads resent white collar workers because skinheads have limited and easily exhaustible capacities for abstract thought. They view immigrants as a threat to their livelihood and their frequently precarious economic condition. Often anarchistic opportunists, they will exploit chaos to employ violence. They initiate provocation as a means of intimidation of civilized people. Intimidation will most likely be applied to marginalized people, indicating a history of bullying and the underlying moral weakness of their character. Most are mentally challenged, and seek to be led like the sheep they are by older skinheads who preach and enforce a racist white power blue collar ideology. Favorite mode of transport is a pickup truck, the larger the better. The skinheads are a bane on society and worthy of complete and total evisceration, but because the underlying pathology that creates such people is irreducible, only containment and remedial action to limit the damage they wreak is possible. Sadly, there will always exist latent pools of this group in western countries. On a positive note, unreformable and criminal skinheads are usually found in abundance in penal institutions, demonstrating the effectiveness of law enforcement in isolating this scourge.
the skinhead got out of his truck in a fit of self-initiated road rage. Armed with a bat, he proceeded to bash the young man's vehicle.
by jackjoebean May 9, 2008
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a bunch of faggots. thats it. try to bring your fucked up biggotry to my town, i will blow your fucking head off, you fucking ass-fisting faggots.
me: hey skinhead fucker!
bald faggot: oi! you talking to me?
me: yeah bitch, come get some of my shotgun!
bald faggot: hey! i'll fucki-(gunshots + brains splatering)
me: fucking faggot.
by tha_juggla September 8, 2005
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