7 definitions by Ubermensch

The 'mastermind' that orchestrated the brutal slaying of both B.I.G. and Tupac. Rumours are awash that the Notorious B.I.G. began to regard the mangina of Puff Daddy too sloppy and slack to sodomize. Puff Daddy, being the die-hard faggot that he is, consequently organized his savage murder and promptly changed his name, vowing that he would never puff or call any man his daddy again.
I puff-daddied my best friend for sleeping around with my bitch.

OMGzWTF!!11oneleeven You tried to puff-daddy me!
by Ubermensch April 4, 2005
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The peak of sexual excitement during the act of defecation, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure in the anorectal region and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male.
You didn't just coprogasm in that bathroom, did you? Oh, for fuck's sake, you did!
by Ubermensch May 2, 2005
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The practice of starting a tourist-shop near my gargantuan wang, and selling life-like custom-made miniaturized dildos - complete with pulsating dorsal vein - to the male gender, in order for them to treat their girlfriends on a properly sized dick.
I'm a priapist and worship the godlike phallus of my overlord.

Damn, I wish I had such a massively sized wang. I would totally skewer my bitch on it.
by Ubermensch April 4, 2005
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An individual who has grown disillusioned with the socially-enforced racial status quo of today which is utterly detrimental to the White race, and thus chooses to fight it opposed to remaining inactive and complacent.
by Ubermensch February 4, 2003
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Do you every come across a person who is perfect from all fronts? that’s Prastav. Look? 10/10 Henry Cavill. Knowledge? 10/10 Foucault Stuff. Personality? Probably kinder than the kindest person you’ve ever heard about.
You know how good John is? He’s the Prastav of our group.
by Ubermensch November 23, 2021
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An usually large male sexual organ, capable of receiving another male sexual organ in its urethral canal.
OMFG, is that a macropenis?
by Ubermensch April 10, 2005
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'Rad, man!' Meaning in essence, 'I want to dip my schlong in your arse dude.'
by Ubermensch April 10, 2005
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