An often misused word. Terror is a n emotion simmilar to fear. Terrorism is an act of inflicting terror. terror is to be scared
when he said "Boo" i felt terror running through me.
by VisualShock September 5, 2007
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noun. plural.
When you drop a shot of Baileys into a pint of tequilla and chug it.
Hey guys, were going to go do some terrorisms.
by PantsEsquire April 28, 2008
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George Bushs' way of saying terrorist.
Hahah they thought you were terrorizers!?
by awwrthgkejfdefibmfgif May 5, 2009
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A group of small children that are generally annoying.
"I was babysitting a terror of children last night. They ran away and shit on the floor.
by MemeSuply4Real July 10, 2017
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A synthesis of war and theater. Use of media sensationalization and redundancy combined with hostile tactics which generally violate all of the Geneva Conventions to instill fear among a given population.
Fox news always has a new terrorism "threat" we all have to look out for. The more stories about these "threats", the more the enemy wins. The media is the terrorist's stage.
by Endakol June 3, 2010
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The act of threatening someone with violence in order to obtain something or accomplish a goal.
Terrorism can be perfrom by anyone. For example threatening to punch a guy in the face if he doesn't give you five dollars count as terrorism, but don't tell Bush
by Tonio31 September 1, 2006
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