Spending inordinate amounts of time on the site turntable.fm listening to and playing music for other 'tablers. The term is short for "turntabling".
Wow, I'm tired, I was up 'tabling all night playing 80s hits in the New Wave room.
by smithla8 July 11, 2011
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when your married booty partner intrduces you to the spouse as a "friend", s/he has put you on the table.
by moesha1 August 9, 2006
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A girl who is big and round; a fatty.
"Check it out, Ullas is hitting on a table!"

"Holy crap, this one's gotta weigh atleast 300 pounds"
by Torrid April 18, 2006
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and adjective; to mean making a swear or promise.
Friend: Do you and that girl talk.

You: NO! on table !! Bro!
by Trinn0051 April 5, 2017
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Sometimes the tables turn, and sometimes, as much as some people hate things not changing, they stay exactly the way they were.
Tables don't always turn, and they're not guaranteed to turn.
by The Original Agahnim November 12, 2021
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How do you not know what a table is
Yo this table is propped hard
by hhatstealer1 December 8, 2021
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