a dick that won't get hard
Me - Adam suffers from slumbering lumber even when he isn't drinking.
Jack - He should really see a doctor. They have pills for that now
by docwhoomph July 12, 2010
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A Slumber-Jack refers to the combination of masturbation & napping. Masturbation is used as a natural sleep aid.
I think the only cure for this hangover is a good Slumber-Jack.
by Midnight Stroker July 24, 2008
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When a group of lezbian girls get together and have a "sleepover". Usually, their parents can tell if there is a slumber party going on upstairs because the whole house is vibrating because of the 28 6.9 inch vibrators that were simultaneously turned on.
Yuri and Ligma had a lesbian slumber party last night because their parents were not home.
by Long w e e n boi November 13, 2019
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Ben was being a total slumber cat. He slept through the whole fucking party last night.
by thisemail July 6, 2012
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Where several youngsters share a child's bedroom during his nap-time, to make said unwelcome sleep-period seem less boring and distressing. Similar to how a small group of neighborhood pre-teens will jog along wif a child who is having to do boring/arduous chores around da yard, so dat he feels less unhappy performing said drudgery.
Parents take note: if your child finds nap-time so torturously agonizing that he actually needs to hold an impromptu slumber party just to get through it, perhaps he doesn't even need the naps at his age, and so you should no longer insist on them.
by QuacksO August 5, 2019
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Slumber lumber is another euphemism for waking up with an erection- otherwise known as 'morning wood'.
"I woke up with some gnarly slumber lumber and I asked if I could take it to her sawmill."
by kdutremble December 9, 2009
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A very long sleep, induced by imbibing Dutch liquor, which has been known to last for months, years or even decades. It often follows encounters with bands of mysterious Dutchmen in the Castkill Mountains of southern New York state.

Modern scholars agree that, historically, Dutch slumber has mostly been used for innocent purposes - e.g., as a prerequisite to the Dutch Rudder maneuver or general tickle mischief - and is not intended to cause harm to the slumberer.
Upon waking from his dutch slumber, Rip Wan Winkle found that he had missed the American Revolution.

I thought Lars was offering me his liquor as a toast to our friendship, until I noticed the immediate drowsiness; I woke up 6 weeks later from a dutch slumber, surrounded by empty bottles and feather ticklers.
by spagett November 1, 2021
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