1. Only the coolest guy you'll EVER meet!
"omg its shreds off myspace"
"omg and he has a beard <3"
"omg lets go subside"
"omg get up off the floor, remove your hand from my knee and let go off my beard"
by beard4eva October 15, 2007
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To totally dominate the scales in scateboarding/snowboarding radness.
Person 1: "Dude, did you see me shred that rail?"
Person 2: "Yeah bro dude you totally shredded that rail"
by Devysaures October 1, 2015
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extreme state of intoxiction from marijuana use often noted by staggering vision(like the picture lags) numbness of legs and arms very pleasurable feelings and sometimes paranoia,stoned,blazed,high
damn sammy smoked so much he was shredded
by Juan Gil April 26, 2005
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Shredded: So buff and so without body fat, that the lines and how toned one is, is as if their muscles have been shredded and glued back together is an attractive way.
Girl: Dayummm, dat boi is hwot!

Other girl: That man is a meat-headed, shredded machine!
by Truddledomotiquilurffluhop December 4, 2018
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a sub-genre of heavy metal that is focused very fast, very complicated guitar solos. Most shredders are virtuosos. Shred song rarely has vocals, and has no mainstream appeal whatsoever. It is only popular with guitar players
Well-Known shredders: Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Michael Angelo
by Zaal' Goron May 21, 2005
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to be absurdly sore. total muscle melt down
James: God that workout blew.

David: Yeah, my legs are shredded.
by gottasweep July 2, 2010
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