An exclamation used to convey dismay or anger.
I've been shot - shitter!
by andrew August 15, 2003
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To soil one's undercrackers so badly that they have to be destroyed with immediate effect. This is normally 'achieved' by sharting too forgivably.
Errr darling. Can you go get me a clean pair of cacks please. I've quite shitterally soiled these ones.
by ShittierJokes October 15, 2017
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drunk, stoned, pissed out of one's tree, hammered, etc
holy fuck, i was just shittered last night!
by Jenny August 3, 2004
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State of complete and total inebriation, tyically due to alcohol, but may be drug-related.
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"Going to the clubs to get shittered."
by Heav_87 May 24, 2006
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