To escape from prison, esp. through the sewage system.

The term is derived from The Shawshank Redemption, where Andy Dufresne escapes from prison after many years through a drainage pipe.

Past tense - shawshanked it.
Prisoner 1: Where's Harry?

Prisoner 2: He's shawshanking it tonight. Let's see if he gets to Mexico too.
by a giant rock September 3, 2011
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A person of Redneck orgin that often enjoys skull raping a female of Asian decendent. Skull raping involves the act of a man poking out the eye ball of his partner with his penis. The man preceds until finished.
After Tao compared Ann's breast to mashed potatoes, Ann left to be consensually Shawshanked by Joe-Bob.
by Garret Steven April 21, 2008
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The act of ejaculating into a females mouth and having her swallow the semen.
"You're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow"

"I met some ugly bitch at the bar last night and totally shawshanked her"
by Dufrane January 1, 2010
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the act of using surrounding noises to strategically defecate in a public restroom. taken from Tim Robbins' escape from the fictitious "Shawshank Prison," wherein he bludgeones a large sewage pipe with a rock, striking the pipe only when the thunder from a lightning bolt is loud enough to mask the noise of his stone as it strikes metal.
man, i had to crap so bad! but i knew with only one other guy in the bathroom, shawshank shitting just wouldn't be an option.
by LobsterRodeo September 21, 2009
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To be so ugly and undesirable that even the prison population wouldn't engage you in sodomy.
Dude is so ugly he gets a shawshank exemption.
by amra July 10, 2006
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When one is pooping in a public bathroom, embarassed by ass noises, one waits for others to make noise to allow for loud ass explosions. Similar to Tim Robbins in "Shawshank Redemption" waiting for the thunder so his banging on the pipe would go unheard.
I had to wait for the other guy to flush to let my shawshank redumption rip.
by JR and Joy September 11, 2009
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A fantastic film (based on a Stephen King novella) released in 1994 starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeeman and directed by Frank Darabont. The film focuses on Andy Dufresne (Robbins), a young man wrongfully sent to Shawshank prison for murder, and his 20-year friendship with a fellow life-termer named Red (Freeman).

It received eight Oscar nominations.

Known as one of the most famous "sleepers" because it made less than 30 million dollars during its original release, However, its rental profits are astronomical and it makes most "Top 100 movies" lists.

On, it ranks as the second best movie of all time, just behind The Godfather.
Tom: What movie are you watching?

Mark: The Shawshank Redemption.

Tom: How is it?

Mark: Fucking awesome!
by KC Kid July 28, 2006
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