the act of lifting your leg like a dog and then emitting toxic gas from your anus. commonly brought up when talking about being burritoed.
Matt smirked and began porking in the middle of his AP Environmental Science class.
by white muddaafuggaaa November 2, 2011
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The movement of flapping your arms with your knees in a slight bent while dancing with a steady in-place trot to rhythmic music.
by LaniPlaza November 19, 2013
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When two very fat people have intercourse!
"Hey, honey...You feel like porking tonight?"
by Alex1107 March 5, 2018
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(Adjective) An acronym used to describe a general feeling of normalcy which may be applied to any situation not particularly out of the ordinary; Perfectly-Ordinary-Regular-Kind. Best when used in contrast with situations most would describe themselves as going HAM or as it is more commonly known, Hard-As-A-Motherfucker.
Bill: "So, whats up man? What are you up to tonight?"

Ted: "Well, I've got a 10 page thesis to type in addition to 350 pages I have to read for each one of my Pre-Med classes. Then I plan on spending about 3 hours at the lab going over different procedures for the different set of exams coming up in the next few weeks. I'm also gonna try and fit in a coffee break somewhere."

Bill: "Wow, sounds like your going PORK tonight.."

Ted (Sighs deeply as he grabs his backpack full of textbooks).
by crazykidcarlson91 September 24, 2011
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Inspired by the motion picture, Mr. Woodcock, this word is used as a synonym for intercourse. Generally used by males. Alternate uses include, porked, porking, will pork.
Yo O'leary pork that shit!

You would be mad too if your sister was being porked by Ellis.
by Dearn June 30, 2009
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Slang work for Dick, or the act of having sex with a woman.
Hey baby, what say you and me have a 3 way. You, me, and some of this Pork.
by doc hargrove September 2, 2008
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You can’t teach pork

(Thicket than pig shit)
Oh fucks sake Steven, you can’t teach pork
by Porkteacher January 15, 2019
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