A psychological syndrome comprising a mix of narcissism, troubles with social interaction, and sadism. Grandiose, and always ready to cast criticsm as jealousy, Rob Centas undermine institutions and organizations in which they are involved, and dehumanize the people with whom they associate. People usually notice signs when the subject struggles to appear affable in social situations. For example, the social media posts of a person with RCPD often appear to be contrived attempts to appear normal. RCPD is a hypothetical, experimental diagnostic category. RCPD is not found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). As a hypothetical syndrome, RCPD could include aspects of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as well as traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) .
Person 1: Something's off about that guy. He gives me goosebumps.
Person 2: He probably has Rob Centa Personality Disorder.
by oneofthousands December 12, 2018
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Definately NOT to be confused with someone who is Asocial. AsPD is a Personality Disorder characterised by behaviour which is deemed anti-social such as wreckless driving, superficial charm, pathological lying, criminal versatility, sexual promiscuity and much more.

AsPD is the most difficult personality disorder to treat as it effects people on both a psychological and genetic level.
Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson had varying forms of Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
by Sociowrath June 21, 2013
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Cyber Dysfunctional Personality Disorder (CDPD) is a non-hereditary, largely contagious, psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. Those who suffer from this condition will go on to create tens, if not hundreds of accounts on social networking and video sharing websites such as facebook, myspace and youtube. They will then converse with themselves across their many accounts in a lame bid to create the impression that they are popular and sociable. Often they will use their various accounts to team up on other internet users who have shown themselves to be smarter than them, in a desperate bid to restore some pride. Currently there is no cure for this ever increasing psychopathic trend, but most sufferers give the game away within a week, such is their lack of concentration and intellect.
JohnnyBarretta: Hi mate, how are you??? :)

Toxic: Good mate, what about yourself?

Pakilover1988: Fuck you white piece of shit!!! :)

Toxic: I see you suffer from Cyber Dysfunctional Personality Disorder?

Note: The smilie and the excessive use of question and exclamation marks give it away.
by YTuser October 4, 2009
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The realisation that life is a game and every 2 player game has a winner and a loser only in life there billions of players and more than half are the losers therefore why give a fuck about your appearance, about what people think when the ones who are judging you are fodder of the human race, just a bunch of random faces that don't care about you and neither should you.
People who practise the avoidant personality disorder cure usually develop chronic misanthropy
by NoPerson November 22, 2010
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(Abbreviated to FMPD) Someone who portrays themselves on Facebook completely differently to how they actually are/behave in real life.

i.e A quiet introvert in real life, but who frequently comments, makes jokes/banter over Facebook. Polar opposite personalities
"That Tommy has got serious Facebook Multiple Personality Disorder! Quiet as a mouse in real life... yet on FB he's the life and soul of the party..."
by BobajobRob February 7, 2012
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Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.
Guy #1: So Dean got fired?

Guy #2: Yeah, PLUS he's facing CRIMINAL charges of harassment by wire. You see, someone who Dean was harassing, via the internet, traced his IP address to one of our company's computers. So...

Guy #1: So, good 'ol Dean was bored at work all the time, and this is just another classic case of Internet Troll Personality Disorder, huh?
by Davey Gagunga April 7, 2011
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Online disorder in which a person posting comments, blogging, chatting, or otherwise electronically communicating, especially while under anonymous screen names, becomes someone and/or something they are not.
(Not to be confused with Online Multiple Personality Disorder (OMPD)
Gladys, who in reality is 500 lbs overweight, toothless, and full of acne, posts something like:
"I"m 5 foot 2, petite, HOT and have 4 Masters Degrees in Hospitality and Tourism."
No, Gladys has Online Personality Disorder (OPD)
by JayyTheOrc January 4, 2009
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