black baby with baby
by dog April 30, 2003
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An annoying toady that buzzes around on the periphery of the popular
Who the hell invited you into this discussion, you freaking mosquito.
by stevio September 11, 2003
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A guy that refuses to go away; a man that can not take a hint.

A person that uses other people.
Girl, this nigga is playing misquito like he can't get the message.
by Angeleka September 19, 2003
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Bloodsucking insects from hell.
Me: These damned mosquitos are eating me alive! They're like thousands of mini-Draculas!
by Righteous Thumb October 23, 2008
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The whores of the insect world. All they do is get what they need from you, and leave you with nothing but a burning itch.
Mosquito: Looking for a good time?
Unsuspecting human: Yeah, that's why I went camping.
Mosquito: Mmm... blood.

The next day
Unsuspecting human: Scratch... scratch... I went camping and all I got were these lousy mosquito herpes.
by sewingmachineohno August 1, 2011
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A small, annoying, bitey insect that goes "Bzzzzzzzzzzz....SPLAT." If Only.
They bite and are annoying. Incidentally, I was bitten the other day. The wanker.
Annoyed bloke:
"For Pete's sake that fucking mosquito has been pissing me off for hours now! Where's the fly spray. Aha!"


by The Kiwi God August 19, 2005
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An insect that makes you like flies better.
by CLEWGE October 23, 2003
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