Term referring to the lights on a police car. Used as a slang word for police.
by Ziek May 2, 2005
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That kind of attitude makes me want to punch his lights out.
by Light Joker January 9, 2005
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Playing time, when discussing any team sport at any level.
Player 1: yo, you looked good at practice today.

Player 2: No doubt, Ive been hitting steady threes all week, coach needs to give me some light.
by thebigneon August 20, 2007
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to attack someone physically or with cruel words because you are angry at them
My mother's going to light into me when she finds out what I did.
by sou August 8, 2014
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1. A polite way of saying "go fuck yourself", "fuck you", or even just "goodbye". Short form for "light your ass/self on fire".

2. A way of saying "thank you".
You: Stop being a bitch.
Me: Light it.

You: Dinner's on me tonight.
Me: No, you paid last time.
You: No, seriously.
Me: Light it.
by LB79 September 2, 2006
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Do I really need to make a definition for this? Its one of the things you need to see.
"Dude can you turn on the light, I cant see?
by Echo9898 October 16, 2018
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