A slang phrase telling somebody "no ways, my mate".
kiss my nuts, my friend!
by Gadget King January 19, 2011
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A person who invites another to "Kiss my Ring", invites the person theoretically to kiss in and around the anal opening. Originally from the Brynmill area of Swansea, usually used by pervy students
"Just walk onto it"
"Eurgh.. Kiss my ring"
by Nuuuuh..Batman! February 1, 2009
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A gritty attempt at an insult, designed to be humiliating because, let’s face it, nobody except another dog wants to kiss a dog’s ass.
Hey there little buddy, how would you like to kiss my dog’s ass?
by Dr Bunnygirl August 13, 2023
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a fun thing to say to people when they piss you off or you dont like them anyway. Adding the 'bitch' on to the end is for emphasizing the phrase, therefore giving it more strength and effect.
Trent Lott: Ah think thayt the Seperatist Parrty wuz a gooood thang!
Me: Kiss my ass bitch!
by Ryan October 25, 2004
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A particular day when you just don't care about what anybody thinks. It really should be a national holiday.
some a-hole:"Hey, Heather! Your hair looks like crap!"
Me:"Hey a-hole! Do you know what day it is? It's Kiss My Ass Day, so kiss my ass, why don't ya?"
by Heather Nicole September 23, 2007
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This is a kind of canvas hat that guys wear with the brim pulled down. It is so-called because the wearer knows it looks bad; yet wears it anyway as an expression of nonchalant contempt for convention. In effect, sartorially declaring "Kiss my ass!"
My boyfriend dresses really nice; but occasionally spoils the effect by wearing what guys call his kiss my ass hat.
by evil pop tart December 24, 2009
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